Monday, October 22, 2007

first fill

And... disappointment. I am still not restricted. Last night I had Thai food, a welcome-home night out with my fiance (hee, still get a little thrilled to say that). I had, basically, the same portion I would have had pre-band. This morning, as a test, I had a wee bit of biscuit before my protein-shaked-coffee. I "felt it" more than I did the Thai, but it still went down easy-cheesey. Today, for lunch, a tuna-kit, which, while a small portion, was not the 1/4 cup I'm supposed to be able to eat. So I guess I go back in two weeks.


Sarah said...

Hi- I'm glad you got your first fill- how much did the doc put in? I had a great first fill and lots of restriction then went down to Phoenix (from Denver) a week later and lost at least 1/2 of my restriction...

Mae said...

Sorry, that would be an important detail, right?

She put 2.3 cc's into my 4 cc band.

Darragha! said...

You have a little band! Mine is 14cc and is filled 4.5 right now. I have definite restriction--it's a learning curve.

I've heard that with some people it takes time to find their sweet spot. In two weeks, maybe the next fill will tickle yours!
