Monday, January 7, 2008

back in the game


This weekend I did pretty well, with my eating. I'm still not counting calories yet. I am still stressing enough with adding the running back in. I have been doing well with making sure I eat some fruits and veggies everyday and staying away from treats and easy foods, for the most part. I have a freezer full of those Green Giant boxed veggies in varieties I know I can get down-- lots of peas and carrots. I have snacks for this week: Splendafied Weight Watchers yogurts, plus some strawberries (fresh) and some Splendafied canned fruits for when the strawberries run out. I snagged M a half-gallon of the Edy's light ice cream this weekend while grocery shopping but picked a variety he loves and I like only a little, which has helped me have just a minimal amount.

I am still not managing breakfast. I had a sugar-free, fat-free latte after my run on Saturday, leftover roasted chicken for lunch, and a pot roast with carrots, onions, mushrooms and (naughty) mashed potatoes. Sunday I had, about 4 hours after getting up, three crackers with a wee bit of peanut butter and about half a banana, leftover roast with veggies for lunch, and a half-serving of pan-seared tilapia, couscous pilaf, and peas for supper. Both evenings I had a small amount (halfcup-ish) of light ice cream after dinner.

I had a little trouble with the tilapia and couscous, I'm not sure why. Possibly the couscous itself bothered me, though I've had no trouble with pasta so far. The couscous had dried cherries and slivered almonds in it, and possibly one of those hit the "reject" button because I had a little PB in the midst of enjoying my meal. Oh, well. Really I've been doing pretty well controlling those lately.

I am getting hungry between meals still, and I am trying not to reach for the easy/bad foods. I have gotten much more comfortable at not drinking with my meals and with pounding the water between meals. This weekend I think I snagged a few pretzels here and there, and a few crackers with goat cheese and olive tapenade (leftover from NYE party and M is a big fan).

I had my first group run with the new season group at Galloway on Saturday. A piece of cake two miles. But you know what? I need to remember that two years ago, running two miles was a huge accomplishment and to appreciate how far I've come.

Incidentally, my weight is going down again, which can probably be explained by the absence of holiday foods, and my renewed dedication to running. I love my Nike+ Nano, and getting back into the groove with Galloway is also very motivating: I know I won't be able to bang out those long runs on Saturdays unless I've done my "homework" during the week.

I also updated my running shoes this weekend. I have been running and working out in the Saucony Hurricane series for years and years now-- they are great for a girl on the heavy side with a small amount of overpronation and wide feet. They have a generous toebox and lots of cushioning. However, Saucony is discontinuing that line! So, I decided instead of getting myself a last pair or two of the Hurricane 9's, I would go ahead and find myself another pair of shoes to love. And I have: the Asics Gel-Kayano's. I have seen then often on the feet of other runners in my groups, but you know, running shoes can be very hard to recommend in such a fashion, since foot anatomy and gait have such a large effect on the suitability of a shoe for an individual. But, I tried a pair on, knowing that they boasted the inner workings for a person who needs stability control and lots of cushioning, and checked them out for my specific needs: wide toebox, low ankle profile, comfortable fit.

And? Sports Authority had the Gel-Kayano 13's on sale for $89, when they are a $135 shoe, because the 14's have just been released. Which I care not a whit about! And the 14's are so new that I haven't found that low price on the 13's at other stores (Phidippides,, etc.) yet.

My current pair of Saucony Hurricanes are really only about a year old. Most Serious Runners replace their shoes every six months, and rotate several pairs in and out. I am a "runner" and took most of the autumn off to recover from my band surgery. So my year-old pair is really maybe, oh, eight months old, and probably doesn't yet have the 500 miles that indicate the deep descent into worn out.

But! My Kayano's are so, so, so springy! I mean, I can actually feel almost a "bounce" from them. Man, the comparison between a year-old shoe and a brand-new shoe in terms of feel? So crazy different.

So yeah. I am going to continue to run in the Kayano's this week (this morning I clocked in a 3 miles and change run) and then maaaaybe talk myself into picking up another pair to rotate into the mix, since $89 is a great price for any running shoe, especially one from this line. And I'm also keeping a watchful eye out for some deeply-discounted Saucony Hurricanes before they disappear. (My Saucony Hurricanes are also on the order of $125 to $135 when brand-new, and aren't yet on sale for something awesome like $89.)

I love that I am back in the groove. I feel so good about myself when I come in from a run. I feel like I really accomplished something, and somehow I feel thinner, prettier, more attractive, and more competent. I have never had that "runner's high" that people speak of-- each run is hard work from start to finish-- but I surely do experience the endorphins afterwards. And that, besides the weightloss and health benefits? Give it to me.

1 comment:

Kittuns said...

This is excellent progress! I'm happy to see that you started running again, and with a cool new toy.